
Saturday, September 15, 2012

Sammich Saturday: Cucumber Tea Sammich

Whew! Another Saturday is here!! The temperatures have dropped and it's rainy here in the ATX which makes me want to do nothing but curl up on the couch and watch  movies. Unfortunately my schedule said uh-uh to that plan. I'm up early and there is much to be done! I'm actually taking a little trip to San Antonio today, to see my favorite cousin!! He lives out of state now, and it's been way too long since we hung out, so it's definitely worth giving up some lazy couch time to hug his scrawny neck!

And when you're on the go, go, go like I have been these last few weekends, quick meals are essential. And what could be faster that slicing up some cucumbers and throwing them on two slices of bread covered in butter and cream cheese???? For the love of food...this was one tasty sammich!! I can totally see why the English love their tea sammiches...light, tasty, and great with a cup o' tea!!

I had mine as a mid-morning snack after a 2 mile run, but you could have it for lunch as well!

Cucumber Tea Sammich
Source: Bigelow Tea

  • 2 medium cucumbers or 1 long English-style cucumber
  •  Softened cream cheese
  •  12 slices of  bread
  •  Salt and white pepper to taste 
  • Softened butter

  1.  Peel cucumber and slice very thinly and trim crust from bread slices.
  2. On six slices of the bread (1 per sammich), spread a thin layer of cream cheese and top with a layer of cucumber slices. Season with salt and pepper. 
  3. On the remaining slices of bread, spread butter and then place the slices (butter side down) on top of the cucumber/cream cheese slices.  
  4. Cut in half diagonally and enjoy with tea!

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